Jerry Hatchett was born and grew up in the creatively fertile Mississippi Delta. His stories often draw from his personal background, providing a unique foundation for intriguing tales populated with real people who often find themselves in extraordinary circumstances. His business experience runs the gamut from pawnbroker to inventor to technologist to specialized expert in digital forensics.
Hatchett lists John Grisham, James Rollins, Nelson DeMille, and Ken
Follett as major influences on his writing. “I want to entertain people by
creating new worlds and people for them to love and hate, and I always
try to write a story that you just can't put down, ” he says.
A lifelong fan of Ole Miss and SEC football, he awaits each fall with
zeal. He’s also a movie fanatic, an avid reader, and with uncharacteristic
immodesty claims to cook the world’s best ribeyes. He currently resides in The
Woodlands, TX, a suburb of Houston.
Jerry took a few minutes to answer some questions so we could get to know more about him. Read more here:
At what age did you start writing? The earliest I remember writing was high school, when I wrote not only my own term papers, but those of several classmate clients, as well. I know I’m dating myself, but I’ll go ahead and tell you that I charged $50 and guaranteed an ‘A.’ As for creative writing, I got cranked up when I was about 35.
Patty Campbell talks about the germ for a piece of writing being like the sand in the oyster. What is your grain of sand? Do you begin with character or setting or something else? The germ stage of my stories is probably based most often on a setting and situation, ie. ‘What would it be like if I was at Location X and Situation Y happened?’
Do you outline before you write or just dive in? Heavens no, I’m far too slovenly for such a thing. I jump in.
Why do you write for Young Adults or Children or Adult (whichever is pertinent)? I try to write stories I would enjoy reading myself, so that pretty much limits me to an adult audience.
Patty Campbell talks about the germ for a piece of writing being like the sand in the oyster. What is your grain of sand? Do you begin with character or setting or something else? The germ stage of my stories is probably based most often on a setting and situation, ie. ‘What would it be like if I was at Location X and Situation Y happened?’
Do you outline before you write or just dive in? Heavens no, I’m far too slovenly for such a thing. I jump in.
Why do you write for Young Adults or Children or Adult (whichever is pertinent)? I try to write stories I would enjoy reading myself, so that pretty much limits me to an adult audience.
Who is your favorite character you have written or read about? My favorite character I’ve written in the villain in Seven Unholy Days, not his evil ways, but the fun of creating him. As for reading, Mitch Rapp or Agent Pendergast would battle for top honors.
What is one thing you would like your readers to know about you? It doesn’t bother me a bit to go to the grocery store wearing pajama pants, probably because I have one of the world’s great pajama pants wardrobes.
In high school, where did you fall? Brainy shy clown.
Do you have pets? Yes! I have a border collie named Data and three strange cats, named Priscilla, Audio, and Mia.
What books or authors have most influenced your writing most? Hmmm. Grisham is a big influence for his crisp, accessible narrative. Early Patterson (way back when he wrote his own books) for pacing. James Rollins for great big stories. Nelson DeMille for subtle character development.
It’s the dawn of the zombie apocalypse, what 3 things are a must to take with you when you flee your home for refuge from the undead hordes?? Guns. Ammo. Duct tape.
To find out more about Jerry online, visit:
Author Website:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JerryHatchettAuthor
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Chop0Matic
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