Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Spicing Up the MCBF 2014 Author List with Delphine Dryden

Welcome Delphine Dryden to the 2014 Author Line-Up
After earning two graduate degrees, practicing law for awhile, and then working for the public school system for over ten years, Delphine finally got a clue. She tossed all that aside and started doing what she should have been doing all along: writing novels! In hindsight she could see the decision was a no-brainer.
Del is fortunate to have two wonderful, absurdly precocious children and two delightful, if occasionally, disobedient mutts. She and her family are all Texas natives, and reside in unapologetic suburban bliss near Houston.
Website:  Twitter: @deldryden
Read Delphine's interview here:
Patty Campbell talks about the germ for a piece of writing being like the sand in the oyster.  What is your grain of sand?  Do you begin with character or setting or something else?
I usually start with characters, then think about the worst things that could happen for those particular characters. The poor things.
Do you outline before you write or just dive in?
I go back and forth. Write a few scenes to get into a piece, then do a bare-bones outline or Save the Cat "beat sheet," then start writing at the beginning if I haven't already. And I use Scrivener, which keeps things pretty organized as I'm going along.
Do you have a pet (pets)?  Tell us about it (them) and how they help/hinder your writing.
Dogs! I have two, and I find the secret to having them not hinder my writing is a doggie door. When you have to take them out a lot or get up to open the door to the yard, it can really break your flow!  Other than that I think having pets around helps boost creativity and reduce anxiety, always good things.
It’s the dawn of the zombie apocalypse, what 3 things are a must to take with you when you flee your home for refuge from the undead hordes??
I assume I don't have to count the kids and dogs, as those are givens. I'd bring a Leatherman or similar indestructible multitool, a sword (my late dad's, from his Navy dress uniform, though it'd need sharpening), and of course a towel.
Meet Delphine at the
2014 Montgomery County Book Festival on February 15th at Lone Star College - Montgomery.

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