Thursday, November 29, 2012

An Interview with Anita Bunkley

Q: Of which book are you the most proud? And why?

A. I really enjoyed writing my historical novel, Wild Embers.  Set during World War II, it looks at the African American experience during the war through the eyes of an African-American nurse.  The research was fascinating and it is a period in time where black women's voices were seldom heard.

Q: Patty Campbell talks about the germ for a piece of writing being like the sand in the oyster. What is your grain of sand? Do you begin with character or setting or something else?

A: If it is an historical novel I try to find some unusual or little-known aspect of history to center  the plot, then the characters are introduced into that setting.

Q: What do you hear from your readers?

A: I have been fortunate to have developed a large following of readers who enjoy my novels, both historical and contemporary.  They enjoy my strong women characters very much.

Q: Why do you write for Young Adults or Children or Adult (whichever is pertinent)?

A: I write books that I, as an adult would want to read, and that I hope my target audience will embrace.

Q: Who is your favorite character you have written or read about?

A. I don't have a favorite, but I enjoy stories with strong women characters who take charge of their lives and overcome great obstacles.

Q: What is one thing you would like your readers to know about you?

A: I would like them to know that I write for my readers, not myself.  I always put myself in the reader's place as I launch a new book and strive to deliver a good read that they will enjoy.

Q: Do you have a pet (pets)? Tell us about it (them) and how they help/hinder your writing.

A: No pets, just a large vegetable and herb garden that I dote on. Getting outside and working in the garden is great relief after a long day at the computer.

Q: What is the hardest part of waiting for a book from the end of your writing to when it is released? 

A: That is usually the busiest time, planning promotional activities and getting reviews.  You just hope the reviews will be good.

Q: How often do you dream about the writing you are working on?

A: Rarely, but I think about the characters all the time.

Thank you so much for your time, Anita! We look forward to seeing you at the festival.

To learn more about Anita Bunkley, visit her website.

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