Monday, November 12, 2012

An Interview with Sherrilyn Kenyon

Q: Of which book are you the most proud? And why?

A: That's like asking me which child I'm proudest of... They all fill me with pride, otherwise I wouldn't have published. I'd never put something out to my readership that I wasn't as proud of as possible. They only deserve my best and that's what I promise them with every novel.

Q: Patty Campbell talks about the germ for a piece of writing being like the sand in the oyster.  What is your grain of sand? Do you begin with character or setting or something else?

A: I always begin with the characters. They drive every part of my stories, and are the most important part of them.

Q: What do you hear from your readers?

A: Everything! I try to interact with them every day. To me, my readers are like family and I treasure them all.

Q: Why do you write for Young Adults and Adults?

A: I write for both because I'm every bit as fascinated by the younger people in my worlds as I am the older ones.

Q: What is the hardest part of waiting for a book from the end of your writing to when it is released?

A: Keeping secrets from my fans. I keep wanting to spill the beans, but know that I can't. And it's doubly hard when they're begging for spoilers. I want to make them happy, but I don't want to spoil any of the surprises.

Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions, Sherrilyn. We look forward to see you at the festival!

To learn more about Sherrilyn Kenyon, visit her website.

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